Energy Healing


Energy is something I’ve always strongly connected with throughout my life. It has taken many years for me to understand my abilities and trust my intuition. Through mindfulness, meditation, and healing myself, I’ve been able to sharpen my abilities and deepen my understanding. I believe we all have gifts, abilities, and senses beyond our comprehension. As a Reiki Master and an empath, I’m able to pick up on emotions, experiences, and patterns to help move stuck or blocked energy and allow chi (energy) to flow freely once again.

This relaxing process cleanses and balances the energy system in the body through guided meditation and breathwork. As a result, the body's natural self-healing mechanisms strengthen which help to establish optimum health. Energy work utilizes a gentle laying-on of hands to conduct the necessary energy force between the client and practitioner. The benefits of energy work range from the release of habitual mental and emotional stress to alleviating chronic pain.

Energy work is ideal for clients looking for something more than merely physical therapy. It is for someone of open mind and heart seeking to reconnect with themselves. It is worth mentioning that energy work has no religious claims or affiliations but is intended to aid in spiritual healing in whatever form that takes for the client.

Energy work can be added to any service.

Pricing may differ depending on each client’s personal needs and goals. This will always be discussed and agreed upon before treatment.